Verhindert ungewolltes Schraubenlösen. Beständig gegen Vibrationslockerung. Mit breitem Temperatureinsatzbereich von -60 °C bis +150 °C. Erhärtet schnell und zuverlässig. Einsetzbar bei geölten Oberflächen. Dichtet Schrauben, verhindert Leckagen und verfügt über gute Chemikalienbeständigkeit.
LOCTITE 243- Threadlocking LOCTITE 243 is a medium strength blue threadlocking adhesive LOCTITE® 243 is a general purpose threadlocker that provides that seals and secures metal nuts and bolts to prevent a medium strength bond. LOCTITE 243 works on all metals, loosening due to shock and vibration. including passive substrates such as stainless steel, aluminum and plated surfaces. It is proven to be tolerant of minor contamination due to industrial oils, e.g., motor oils, corrosion prevention oils and cutting fluid.
LOCTITE 270- Threadlocking LOCTITE® 270 is a high-strength threadlocker for maximum Threadlocking Adhesive - high strength. Permanent locking. efficacy in the securing and sealing of bolts, nuts and Suitable for all metal threaded assemblies. studs to prevent loosening due to vibration. The product serves to permanently lock assemblies which must not come loose. It works on all metals, including passive substrates such as stainless steel, aluminum and plated surfaces. It is proven to be tolerant of minor contamination due to industrial oils, e.g. motor oils, corrosion prevention oils and cutting fluids. Can be disassembled by heating to 300°C.
LOCTITE 243- Threadlocking LOCTITE 243 is a medium strength blue threadlocking adhesive LOCTITE® 243 is a general purpose threadlocker that provides that seals and secures metal nuts and bolts to prevent a medium strength bond. LOCTITE 243 works on all metals, loosening due to shock and vibration. including passive substrates such as stainless steel, aluminum and plated surfaces. It is proven to be tolerant of minor contamination due to industrial oils, e.g., motor oils, corrosion prevention oils and cutting fluid.
LOCTITE 248- Threadlocking LOCTITE 248 is a blue, medium strength threadlocking LOCTITE® 248 is a general purpose threadlocker with medium adhesive in a non-drip, easy-to-apply stick form. It is bond strength. This product is available in a convenient suitable for all metal threaded assemblies. stick format. This threadlocker secures and seals bolts, nuts and studs to prevent loosening due to vibration. The product works on all metals, including passive substrates such as stainless steel, aluminum and plated surfaces. It is proven to be tolerant of minor contamination due to industrial oils, e.g. motor oils, corrosion prevention oils and cutting fluids.
Verhindert ungewolltes Schraubenlösen. Beständig gegen Vibrationslockerung. Mit breitem Temperatureinsatzbereich von -60 °C bis +150 °C. Erhärtet schnell und zuverlässig. Einsetzbar bei geölten Oberflächen. Dichtet Schrauben, verhindert Leckagen und verfügt über gute Chemikalienbeständigkeit.
LOCTITE 243- Threadlocking LOCTITE 243 is a medium strength blue threadlocking adhesive LOCTITE® 243 is a general purpose threadlocker that provides that seals and secures metal nuts and bolts to prevent a medium strength bond. LOCTITE 243 works on all metals, loosening due to shock and vibration. including passive substrates such as stainless steel, aluminum and plated surfaces. It is proven to be tolerant of minor contamination due to industrial oils, e.g., motor oils, corrosion prevention oils and cutting fluid.
LOCTITE 270- Threadlocking LOCTITE® 270 is a high-strength threadlocker for maximum Threadlocking Adhesive - high strength. Permanent locking. efficacy in the securing and sealing of bolts, nuts and Suitable for all metal threaded assemblies. studs to prevent loosening due to vibration. The product serves to permanently lock assemblies which must not come loose. It works on all metals, including passive substrates such as stainless steel, aluminum and plated surfaces. It is proven to be tolerant of minor contamination due to industrial oils, e.g. motor oils, corrosion prevention oils and cutting fluids. Can be disassembled by heating to 300°C.
LOCTITE 262- Threadlocking LOCTITE® 262 is a red, general purpose, medium to high Medium/high strength, thixotropic methacrylate-based strength, thixotropic methacrylate-based adhesive. Steel threadlocking adhesive which fluoresces under UV light to fixture time is 15 min, brass 8 min and stainless steel 180 allow monitoring. min. It fluoresces under UV light to allow monitoring. Ideal for applications where any migration of the adhesive must be prevented. Can tolerate slight contaminations of industrial oils. Suitable for all metal fasteners.
High strength, low viscosity, green, methacrylate-based LOCTITE 2701- Threadlocking LOCTITE® 2701 is a green, low viscosity, methacrylate-based threadlocking adhesive which fluoresces under UV light to threadlocking adhesive with high strength, especially for allow monitoring. chromated surfaces. Steel fixture time of 10 min, brass 4 min and stainless steel 25 min. Tolerates slight contaminations of industrial oils. Suitable for all metal fasteners. Fluoresces under UV light.
Verhindert ungewolltes Schraubenlösen und Vibrationslockerung. Härtet schnell und zuverlässig aus. Einsetzbar bei geölten Oberflächen. Dichtet Schrauben und verhindert Leckagen. Verfügt über gute Chemikalienbeständigkeit. Mit breitem Temperatureinsatzbereich von -60 °C bis +150 °C.